Wondering who we are?
AuthorCrafts Classifieds, an online business directory, where businesses of every category are listed and promoted with the aim of providing a single platform to all the sellers and buyers to discover, connect and conduct business easily and safely. We help in getting locals as well as big businesses have an online presence and reach among the online audience. This is done through online posting of Ads on our free classifieds website. By maintaining authenticity between the sellers and buyers, AuthorCrafts Classifieds makes sure you get the right and correct business information on our platform. Sign in to our club today to cater the demands of buyers looking for sellers and manufacturers of a product as AuthorCrafts Classifieds help them discover their preferred business easily in their area.
Why would you wanna try AuthorCrafts Classifieds?
First of all we are a unique endeavour in delivering you the right space to vend and obtain ads of your needs and desires. With us you can save the enormous amount of time energy and money you might otherwise squander at different ad stores and online ad sellers. There are many a platform from where you can buy ads online, but the cost of the ads may not always be what you can afford; your preferred online site may not always be the cheapest. So you may want to buy the ad from somewhere other than your favourite stores and websites. Here is where we come in handy. AuthorCrafts Classifieds help you directly get in touch with the seller of the ad you are seeking, all in just a few clicks.
We ease the process of ad search considerably by offering you the contact details of all the ad sellers trying to sell off the ad you are looking for with our Search and filter options that you can avail to check the availability of the ad in the desired price range at the desired place. In short you cannot find the ads you are after cheaper than here and easier than here.
How we are different?
We stand aloof from the similar classifieds services by operating with the sole intention of rendering ads accessible to those in need of them sans expecting any monetary benefits. The only reward we seek for our meek endeavour is the sheer satisfaction in the cognizance that we have been able to help the people in finding the ad of their choice.
Our Green Concern
One of the prompting forces behind this enterprise is an environmental concern. With AuthorCrafts Classifieds we strive to reduce the environmental consequences of paper manufacturing by affording the readers all across India an opportunity to make use of ads without compromising their reading experience to electronic devices.