Cradle Cap: Scales on the Baby's Head
Available From January 27 2021 2:06 am at Melbourne, Melbourne

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_ If you recently have discovered white or yellow patches on your baby's head that are slightly inflamed, what you have encountered is a "cradle cap".
_ But you don't need to get worried. This type of dermatitis usually occurs in 70% of infants and resolves on its own in the first year of birth. However, cradle cap may last for a few years, but it usually does not cause a particular clinical problem and don't bother the baby.
_ These scabs usually form on the scalp, forehead, eyebrows, and skin folds. They are yellow or white, have an oily appearance, and do not peel off easily.
_ Do not try to separate the flakes by force. Massaging the scalp with oil and using shampoo and warm water will help you remove them more easily.
_ You do not need to see a doctor unless the problem is severe or causes discomfort.
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- Milad Moghaddam (verified user)
- 0497472333
- 0497472333
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